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G'S Adoption Registry
Free Adoption Mutual Consent Reunion Registry
For adoptees desiring a reunion with their birth family, or to learn about their medical history and birth family genealogy.
For birth mothers & birth fathers & birth siblings & birth family members desiring a reunion with the adoptee that was given up for adoption. Or to give the adoptee their medical history or birth family genealogy.
We Welcome You to Our Site In Loving Memory of Danna Kay Schaefer 12-4-1963 - 1-31-2007
Our site is for: Adult Adoptees 18 and older / Birth Mothers / Birth Fathers / Birth Siblings / Any Birth Family Members / Adoptive Parents / Any Adoptive Family Members / Adoption Support Information / Adoption Issues / Adoption Search Reunions / Adoption Live Chat / State Adoption Laws / Adoption Registry Gifts / Adoption Online Store / Unique Adoption Gifts / Adoption Circle Members / Adoption Support Groups / Adult Adoptees Support Groups / Adoption Searches / Search Angels / DNA Search Angels.
You will be reported to your ISP if you solicit people who have posted on our site, you may contact them if you have FREE HELP to offer, but you may not solicit them!
We have other way to support G'S!
All profits go to help fund G'S Adoption Registry
G'S Adoption Registry is on Facebook.
To connect with G'S Adoption Registry, sign up for Facebook today
Thank you for visiting our site.
On Guestbook & Message Board
Please when posting put Birth Date, Birth Gender, and Birth State, of the one you are searching for like this: 7-31-1962 Male Minnesota
In Subject line On Message Board & On Comments On Guestbook
Because if you DO NOT There are over 60 ways to post a birth date. Search Engines will only pick up the way you put info in. Try it for yourself, put 12-4-1963 in Freefind Search. On this site you will see it is listed on at least 9 pages, now change it to 12-4-63 or any other way you choose. It will now only be listed on one or two pages. This shows why it is so important to list birth dates how you are asked to by the web site you are using. Search Engine Tester
Submission Validation Question: What is put answer Like this 5+6? you put 11 or 7-6? you put 1 this helps keep spammers off Sorry, we do not allow all caps on postings on Guestbook or Message Board, they will be deleted.
Thanks and good luck
! Important ! To update your information email us at and we will update your form.
Please inlude the following information - • Birth date • Gender • Birth state or Country if not in USA • E-mail address Example: To:
#1 Email subject: 7-31-1962 Male Minnesota G'S Adoption Registry
#2 Email subject: 7-31-1962 Male Germany G'S Adoption Registry
Include the information you want changed, updated or posted ((FOUND)).
Please let us know if you have found who you were looking for so the search angels can stop looking for your family and start looking for another family.
We LOVE found stories - no matter the outcome. Please keep us posted on your search. We care
Thanks and Good Luck Gary Schaefer
GS Adoption Registry 20566 558th Lane Mankato, MN 56001
Cell 775-750-8333 if you get voice mail do not leave message call me back. Do to Prank calls I do not answer blocked phone numbers.
Please Book Mark this Web Page
Please just remember most searches take YEARS.
NOT minutes, hours, days, months, but YEARS. So the more organized you are the better.
This is a Free Registry! Most States and Countries Start with 1800-1959 on first page #1 of 8 or #1 of 1 This is the name of State or Country
1960-1969 is on pop out page #2 of 8
1970-1979 is on pop out page #3 of 8
1980-1989 is on pop out page #4 of 8
1990-1999 is on pop out page #5 of 8
2000-2009 is on pop out page #6 of 8
More Links for that State or Country is on pop out page #7 of 8 or page #1 of 1
Adoption Laws for that State or Country is on pop out page #8 of 8 or page #1 of 1
If you cannot view the second (right side) column you need to set your text to medium. Or you can go to view then Zoom In. Or change screen resolution to 1280 x 1024.
If any of the colors bother you left click on your mouse, hold down, and drag to bottom. This will change the color, so you might be able to see better. Or Get Firefox Click on tools, then options, then content, then colors and make them any color you want.
Mac users just use Ctrl command 8 to invert colors
G'S Emergency Medical Locators for Adoptees & Birth Family's (G'S) is a non-profit organization that conducts free biological searches for those who are in critical need of their family medical histories in times of life-threatening medical crisis. Our belief is that the lack of a family medical history is no reason to die.
Each year, thousands of adoptees and their children lose their precious lives to catastrophic illnesses because they are unaware of their biological medical histories. Many more live day to day without knowing that they are at risk of contracting any number of disorders that could be effectively treated, if not prevented, had they sufficient time, adequate information, and access to what is rightfully theirs: their family medical histories.
Since our organization is growing fast, and there is a strong need for our services and resources; supplies and manpower are getting expensive. A once small organization, Emergency Medical Locators for Adoptees is growing and needs assistance from the community and foundations to support their cause. One area in which we especially need help is with databases of any kind. We have Staff members are online 24/7 to handle emergency searches but databases play a vital part in the success of our searches. Any & all donations of old databases would be greatly appreciated. Please contact us at one of the email addresses below about donating your database(s). TransferBigFiles SendThisFile To Thank you for caring and remember your donated database may save someone’s life!
We do all updates in order that we receive them.
We are working on updates for forms that came in on 1-1-2025.
We will send you an e-mail when we update your form, but it could take 1-8 days. Just Remember, most just look, they don't leave clues. The best way to get ((FOUND)) is have Search Angels, and many others looking. The more the better, just like an Amber Alert. Number of Posts: 7,602, on our message board
Number of Views: 11,893,189 on our message board
This shows you what we mean. That's the numbers on the message board, we know for sure that 50 people who posted on this message board have ((FOUND)) who they were looking for by their post. Same with having forms posted.
Many are just missing each other, so please leave a message and get a form filled out.
Please Remember, if you register to keep your form updated.
You should update it every 6 months or anytime you have new info. Please let us know when you have ((FOUND)) who ever you are looking for, so we can get your form marked ((FOUND)) and ((Removed)).
Thanks and Good Luck
Please add our e-mail addresses to your address book. If you have a spam blocker program, please be sure to add our e-mail to your friends list &
Any G'S Individual Search Angel Or G'S Team Search Angel that is listed for your state so our e-mails will get to you.
For legal purposes, registrations by searching adoptees, or birth parents searching for adoptees born after this date in 2003 will not have their information posted on the registry. Your registration will not be posted if a birth year cannot be provided. To do either one of the above would be the equivalent of performing a minor search which is against the law and in the adoption community it is viewed as being morally and ethically unsound.
If you don't want emails from G'S Adoption Registry, just tell us & we will remove your e-mail address, don't make our lives miserable by blocking us from helping other people & having to fix the problem you caused us."
To See If You Are Already Registered Just put your e-mail address or any old e-mail address here below
Quick Search Put (Date Born) or (Town) or (County) or (State) Example: (3-5-1963) or (Litchfield) or (Meeker County) or (Minnesota) Make sure you put dates as shown: M/D/YYYY (Month/Day/Year) NOT 03 - 05 Or 63 Or / (Just Like This (3-5-1963) or it will not work correctly)
It is a good idea to have a note book with all of the information for your search:
* All registries you have signed up with *Web pages and email address that are important for your search
Please see our link
Please help keep this registry updated if you find a bad e-mail or link e-mail it to
Adoptees, Birth Parents and Birth relatives searching you can start by clicking on the state where the adoptee was born to see if there is a form that matches your information.
Please remember, if YOU don't take the time to register. You are missing a valuable opportunity to find or be found. Don't be like two ships passing in the night.
all profits go to help fund G'S Adoption Registry
Volunteer Search Angels Wanted!!!
To help with G'S Adoption Registry Searches. Individual Search Angels G'S Individual Search Angel
Team Search Angels G'S Team Search Angel
Please pick a search angel plan that works best for you.
(#1) Be part of the all states team of Search Angels, all working together on searches for all of the USA as a TEAM, with copies of all new postings and updates e-mailed to you using reply all so the whole team gets any new info. Please give us what state or states do you want to help in or country or country’s if not in USA. Teams #1a, & #1b, & #1c & #1d
(#2) Be part of any state's team or country you choose of Search Angels, all working together on searches for all of the USA or Country as a TEAM, with copies of all new postings and updates e-mailed to you using reply all so the whole team gets any new info. Please give us what state or states do you want to help in or country or countries if not in the USA.
(#3) work as an Individual Search Angel with NO copies of all new postings and updates e-mailed to you. Just work the guest book or message board on any postings. On our site, we have over 24,000 still searching. You e-mail them directly and BCC so we can add info to their file and keep their post updated with any new info. Please give us what state or states do you want to help in or country or country’s if not in USA. Individual Search Angels Training
Just scroll down to 4th yellow block fill form out then we will add you to Our search angel page on Our web page.
Join G’S Family & Let's try to turn them all into ((FOUND))!
Thanks for your help (((Hugs))) from all of us at G'S Adoption Registry !!!
Please take the time to fill out the form.
Too many people don't and miss a great opportunity to find who they are looking for. These numbers support our success rate. We have had 102,198 visitors old web page
We have had 549,690 visitors new web page as of 1-1-2025 33,386 have filled out the form #6,581 (Matches)) / ((FOUND)) & Removed
#532 Removed Not FOUND
Just remember you need more than first and last names to Steal Identity. We do not put any address or phone number on this web page, but put your first and last name in this web page and you will see what we mean it doesn't help.
There are 160 people in the U.S.A. named Gary Schaefer. (very neat web page) but if you still do not want to add them to the form just be sure to give info to all Search Angels. they need this info to help you find your missing loved ones, the more info you have on form the better chance you can be found and get all info off web page.
PS. I have all my info posted online for everyone to see and I never have had my Identity Stolen. Thanks Gary Schaefer one of 160
Ok It's Disclaimer Time....
By submitting your information on this web page you agree to waive all rights of implied confidentiality and you will not hold anyone associated with G'S Adoption Registry, responsible for its care or upkeep, or responsible for the actions of posters or respondents.
Any information you put in this form will be posted online for everyone to see. if you do not want certain information made public PLEASE do not put it on the form/registry. The exception to this is your telephone number and address
Please remember the more info the better the chance a Search Angel can help you.
Please mention you saw us on the internet!
To Register Go Here
Caution: Any attempt by any individual to deliberately damage this website may be a violation of criminal Or civil laws and should such an attempt be made. We reserve the right to seek damages (Including attorney's fees) from any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law, including criminal prosecution
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