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Scammer List #22
Updated list 11-1-2024
-----Original Message----- From: Gary Schaefer [mailto:gaary@gsadoptionregistry.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 7:18 AM To: undisclosed-recipients: Subject: Re: Response needed asap.
--This is Gary Schaefer from G's Adoption Registry, we have found a match for your search
\. SincerelyGary Schaefer
If anyone receives an email from the above email address or receives a similar message.
Do Not Reply And Contact Gary at gary@gsadoptionregistry.com
The person sending out these emails is a scammer. The email address is in no way involved with G'S site.
Original Message ---------- From: gary schaefer < adoptionregistery@gmail.com> Date: December 7, 2017 at 1:48 AM hello i am mr gary from G'S Adoption Registry GuestBook,i quickly want to ask you if you have done any DNA before,if yes i will like you to send us the result and some other information about you like your current location a photo or id of you,we have someone who feel she is your mother's sister and we need to carry out proper scan and make sure she is the one you are looking for,help us with some more information about you so that we can proceed
If anyone receives an email from the above email address or receives a similar message.
Do Not Reply And Contact Gary at gary@gsadoptionregistry.com
The person sending out these emails is a scammer. The email address is in no way involved with G'S site.
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: gary schaefer <adoptionregistery@gmail.com> To: Sent: Wednesday, October 4, 2017 2:32 PM Subject: Re: G'S Adoption Registry Guestbook
Good Day,
I am Mr Gary from G'S Adoption Registry Guestbook.we saw your post on our website and i want to inform you that we can make your search easier and Faster via our DNA testing and our online software testing
If anyone receives an email from the above email address or receives a similar message.
Do Not Reply And Contact Gary at gary@gsadoptionregistry.com The person sending out these emails is a scammer. The email address is in no way involved with this site.
-------- Original message -------- From: gary schaefer adoptionregistery@gmail.com Date: 10/4/17 5:55 AM (GMT-06:00) To: Subject: Re: G'S Adoption Registry GuestbookGood Day,
I am Mr Gary from G'S Adoption Registry Guestbook.we saw your post on our website and i want to inform you that we can make your search easier and Faster via our DNA testing and our online software te
If anyone receives an email from the above email address or receives a similar message.
Do Not Reply And Contact Gary at gary@gsadoptionregistry.com The person sending out these emails is a scammer. The email address is in no way involved with this site.
From: Gary Schaefer <gary@gsadoptionregistry.net>Date: Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 7:58 AMSubject: From Gary Schaefer (gsadoptionregistry.com To: Hello, This is Gary Schaefer from GS adoption registry, I hope this message meets you well. I would like to inform you that I came across someone who has almost similar information with your adoption details, please message me to confirm if your adoption search is still active.Respectfully,Gary Schaefer.G'S Adoption Registry.
If anyone receives an email from the above email address or receives a similar message.
Do Not Reply And Contact Gary at gary@gsadoptionregistry.com The person sending out these emails is a scammer.The email address is in no way involved with this site.
If you have a Virus or your email was Hacked
You might want to change your password on your e-mail acct.
One thing you can do is not use your address book but put all e-mails on a e-mail then if they Hack you they do not send e-mails to all your friends and contacts 1 more good tip add your e-mail to your address book then when you get a e-mail from your self you know they have Hacked your e-mail.
From: Oliver Padillar oliverpadillar@gmail.com To: Sent: Monday, March 6, 2017 6:27 AM Subject: Good Day This is to inform you that we were alerted by G'S Adoption Registry Guestbook because they also work with us in search of any lost item or person. We are located here in Canada and we have our offices all over the world we are specialize in bringing people who have lost contact with their loved ones back together and also help to claim back if you have lost Money to scam,we work with the USA Fbi too and so many other security agency across the world. we are here to help you bring back your lost one. All we need from you is your contact address,and the tell us how you lost contact with him/her and if you have have any of his/her identification then you send it we will put it into our system and it will print out his present identity they we can locate. Do not worry where we can find him/her the job is ours.just send us every thing we need to know. Yours Director. Oliver Padilla Jackson oliverpadillar@gmail.com
If anyone receives an email from the above email address or receives a similar message Do Not Reply And Contact Gary at gary@gsadoptionregistry.com The person sending out these emails is a scammer.The email address is in no way involved with this site.
Names used by Scammer and e-mails used by them
Gary Schaefer #1 gary@gsadoptionregistry.net
If anyone receives an email from the above email address or receives a similar message Do Not Reply And Contact Gary at gary@gsadoptionregistry.com The person sending out these emails is a scammer.The email address is in no way involved with this site.
Linda Smith & Shawn & Donna Miller (all working together)
Please mention you saw us on the internet!
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Caution: Any attempt by any individual to deliberately damage this website may be a violation of criminal Or civil laws and should such an attempt be made. We reserve the right to seek damages (Including attorney's fees) from any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law, including criminal prosecution
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